Tuesday, November 3, 2015

OUGD404 Study Task 03 - Grids

Today we looked at a page in a newspaper and tried to identify the grid design used to create the layout. The newspaper I looked at was the Independant, which is a British national newspaper which tends to lean towards the left politically, although it does still feature some conservative columnists. Primarily this newspaper is a competitor to the Guardian. 

This was the page I decided to look at:

I placed tracing paper over the top and marked in where I believed the grid to go:

I then moved my grid to another page to see if I had correctly identified the grid and It worked on this page as well:

The Independant sticks with a 5 column grid and then rows are interchangeable depending on image and type. I think this grid type is useful for this type of publication because type and image are allowed enough space to draw the eye and grab the readers attention. This is important because the purpose of this newspaper is mainly to inform so a clear easy to read layout is necessary.

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