Monday, December 26, 2016

OUGD504 Studio Brief 02 - Calendar Icon (DESIGNS)

Calendar Icon (Designs):
From my sketches I have taken a couple of the ideas and created basic outlines within illustrator.

1. I have gone for a curved friendly design with a corner turned up. 

2. For this design I have kept the original calendar shape with the ring binder design.

3. Taking the idea from the first design and applying it to a different shape.

4. Lastly I have kept the simple square design but have added an abbreviation of the month at the top, this is something I could possibly consider adding into the other designs.

From the feedback that I received the second and the fourth one were preferred due to looking the most like actual calendars. Because they are the clearest this would make it recognisable to a wider audience. It did not seem to matter much whether the calendar had the month on it, a reminder of the day would be enough.

From the feedback I have decided to work further with the 4th design, however I still like the old school look of the second one, as well as it being extremely clear what it is.

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