Wednesday, December 23, 2015

OUGD405 Studio Brief 01 - Design Process - Way Finding Feedback

Feedback from peers:
Today I got feedback from my peers for my way-finding project.
Within the feedback I got from my peers what was generally noticed is that the coloured arrows on the black signs, the purple arrows don't appear to be very clear. From a distance the purple on black was hard to see, and this was something I had noticed myself. To tackle this problem it was suggested to have back lit arrows so that they would definitely be visible from most distances. I think this is a really good idea and one that I will apply to my designs as it will also improve legibility and work well at different lightings such as at night time.
They liked how the different coloured arrows depicted the blocks (purple) and other facilities (green) this will make navigation and association clear and easy. The way in which the colour scheme also stays the same and follows the theme already set within the accommodation will help to not confuse existing residents and the design could be bought in cohesively working with the theme well.
Highlighted sections on signs to indicate what block you are in they also thought this was a strong idea as is distinguishes between the other blocks improving how easy it is to understand.
The pictograms are easy to understand and can work at any size and scale, the rounded edges creates a friendly approach which will work well in an environment where people are going to live. Someone disliked the green although they did understand the association with the logo. They asked me to consider changing the background of the icon to green and the outline to be white as they believed it to be more impactful at different scales, this is something I will consider as I don't think a white background would stand out at a distance. The consistency of the line thickness across the pictograms creates a well ordered and easily legible system for visitors to follow. However I need to consider changing the games room pictogram into a pool table or something more general (more obvious tv) as it currently looks too much like a computer.
They liked how I had used large numbers painted on the walls to represent blocks and the 'Gym' with arrows, as it makes it clear and visible while effectively communicating its location. I need to consider materials more within my design.
Overall my feedback was generally positive which leads me to believe it is going in the right direction. However I am concerned with when getting feedback from peers that they don't put too much constructive criticism as they do not want to offend me. Although I found this crit group to be really helpful as they gave me some good ideas and helped me gain more confidence within my designs.

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