Tuesday, November 8, 2016

OUGD504 Studio Brief 01 - Test Printing

Test Printing:
Even though I had found a stock which I would like to work with I still thought that it was important to test out other possibilities, to see which worked the most effectively. As I had done lots of test prints on a normal printer I was able to work out what settings were needed to print it out correctly and work with the pagination. This was really useful as then I could just focus on what the stock looked like. The handwriting that spread across double pages also worked well and lined up pretty accurately.

Digital HP Regular - High White - Extra Blanc - 120gsm
I found this stock to be the most unsuccessful, because the whiteness of the paper contrasted against the black handwriting it did work well, but it didn't look natural. The weight has a nice feel to it where you would be able to flick through the book with ease however it was too see through. Handwriting started to show through on the pages taking away from the original handwritings themselves. I wanted each handwriting to have its own space and speak for itself and when you can see others coming through it draws attention away.

Cyclus Print Certifie FSC - 130gsm
I did quite like this stock as the weight had a good feel, which even though it is higher gsm than the other one, somehow felt more flexible. I didn't have the problem of handwriting coming through the pages, which left handwriting to stand on their own. The colour of the stock was also an off white which helped make it seem less clinical and ordered. However the actual print on the paper with the handwriting didn't look as if they had just been written, some of them looked to much like they had been printed making it look less natural.

Cairn Straw White 120gsm
This has to be my favourite stock choice, because the design is simple, stock really needed to be considered and how that would add more to the design. Because this paper has texture it already creates intrigue, and the type of texture that it is, gives a rustic effect. It works well with the print because type is still very legible and it helped give the handwriting a more off hand natural feel that I wanted, as if people had just come and wrote in the book. This is the stock choice I will be using for the publication.

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