Saturday, November 26, 2016

OUGD504 Studio Brief 02 - Coding Introduction

Coding Introduction:
After having a brief introduction into coding it seems like something that I would possibly be interested in learning further about. I think it would be a valuable skill that would help me in my career. However I won't focus on coding until the summer because I don't want to get distracted, as it is a big thing to start learning.


- HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language
- CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
- Java - Android language
- Javascript - Advanced effects and added interactivity
- SQL - Database language
- PHP - Sever based language
- iOS - Apple language
- Ruby - Twitter

You are designing for web browsers - html

And devices - orientation - responsive web design

Hamburger icon - good practice? - compact display - hides icons

Critique things and work out whats the best way of working.

Retina screens are almost print resolution - increased loading times.

2.6 seconds a user decides whether to stay on a web page.

The internet is changing and evolving.

Accessibility - screen readers are programs that read out the content of the computer screen to a user. Laws have been passed that require websites to be accessible to those with disabilities.

Images aren't really searchable by type.

Google fonts - font face kit - for websites
If you install a typeface anyone can get access to it.

Licence fees for online distribution so much higher than print.

Look for royalty-free for web.

HTML divides each element of a webpage within an open and close tag. Tags act like containers. They tell you something about the information what lies between the opening and closing tags.

Opening tag:
Closing tag:

4 elements that need to be included:

Coding should be learnt at your own pace.

Don't rely on WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) applications.

<html> - tells browser what we're doing

<head> - nothing here is visible, it's the functionality, metatags - search engines use it, keywords.

<title> - visible, but not within design

close tags

</body> - anything is visible
Hello, level 05 BAGD, best year on graphics!

The title has to be in the head elements.

In textedit - format plain text

Homepage is called index.html

You have to buy space on a hard drive in a server system.

Coding isn't visual so may be hard for a creative to learn.

Further research I could access code cademy.

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