Monday, November 21, 2016

OUGD504 Studio Brief 02 - Research - App Competitors

App Competitors:
As my idea is based around cooking I want to look at current cooking apps that are on the market, what they do and what I can do that's different to make mine stand out.

This app has a large amount of recipes and the ability to add snapshots of your own recipes, the option to create a grocery list based on recipes you would like to create, and help meal planning with a weekly organiser. The app also adds a social feature where you can check what friends, family and bloggers are cooking. It also has seasonal collections from the home screen which help it to stay updated with the times. There is also a feature which uses up leftovers.

The design of the app works with a white background and grey text, red is used to highlight certain selections and for headings. Images are in a square format which helps to keep it organised and usually quite large scale.

US $1.99 per month or $19.99 per year.

IOS and Android.

Within this app it provides a really good search engine for recipes as well as being able to tailor searches to fit your specific needs and lifestyle. The app starts to adapt and recognise what you like and don't like. You can save recipes and add the needed ingredients to an in app shopping list. Yummly has Instacart built-in, allowing you to use that shopping list to shop on Instacart, then order those items, and, depending on where you live, have them delivered within the hour (US).


IOS and Android.

Allrecipes Dinner Spinner:
A big wealth of recipes from over 30 million users, extending to photos, reviews and ratings which gives it more of a social feel. You’re able to see what ingredients are on sale and what recipes are the cheapest to make on any given day. The app will also recommend recipes when you walk into certain stores, which could come in handy if you’re in the mood to make something special, but don’t really know what yet. Aside from all of that, Allrecipes comes with all the usual features, like the ability to create shopping lists, save your favourite recipes, and filter your search results by diet, cooking time, and foods you don’t like.

Free, but in-app purchases.

IOS and Android.

Heralded as a flagship cooking app from when it was first created, with more than 30,000 tested and member-rated recipes within a beautiful, streamlined interface. It allows you to manage shopping lists and recipes across platforms, and even perform voice activated commands that are specifically designed for hands-free cooking. It has a smart kitchen timer and a seasonal ingredients finder.



Access to a wide range of recipes and follow top food bloggers and chefs. The main aim is to make cooking easier for new cooks. Each recipe comes with step-by-step instructions and an accompanying set of photos, videos, voice commands, and timers. You can also adjust the serving size of a recipe, which automatically converts the ingredients. Very sleek and modern looking design.


IOS and Android.

Looking at the current apps out there for food, there doesn't seem to be an app that focuses on ingredients you already have. I think this will be the most unique aspect about my idea, as it is tailored to help use up what you've got.

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