Sunday, March 5, 2017

OUGD505 Appropriation & Subversion


Appropriation - the deliberate reworking of images to produce a different meaning.

Marcel Duchamp - 'Fountain' (1917)

'Andy Warhol, 'Marilyn Monroe', 1964' by Richard Pettibone (1968)

David La Chappelle - 'Amanda as Warhols Marilyn' (2002)

- Using images from mass culture and changing them
- Questioning what fine artists were doing
- Examining and highlighting
- Legal issues of plagiarisms (Warhols Marilyn)

Appropriation in fine art:
- To question authorship and authenticity
- To question what art is or can be
- To investigate process and making
- To question the value and meaning of mass culture

Cultural Appropriation:
- How societies use distinct symbols, culture, religion and use it in a different way.
- Parody 
- Pastiche

Sanaa Hamid. 2013

My Appropriation Collage:

Task - Appropriate images to relate to social, political or ethical themes.

Within my collage I aimed to use big typography to create a discussion point of Donald Trump and what is happening in the world. The use of images suggests the ways in which society views things, through the media, surveillance, protests etc. I wanted to capture the madness and disarray. I decided to also doodle on top of one of the images as I really wanted to emphasise my view on Trump.

We all went around the room looking at each others work which addressed a variation of different issues. We then had different categories in which we were to score each other out of 10.

Overall I think that the message of my collage was received and understood relatively well. It has given me a better understanding of how I can create another meaning through image and text. I also really enjoyed working in this collage style, the practical approach is more hands on, so I found it an engaging activity. 

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