Wednesday, April 26, 2017

OUGD503 YCN - The Grown Up Chocolate Company - Mock ups and Feedback

Mock ups:

I decided to physically mock up each of my designs as it would be easier to see how they looked rather than the flat net design. It would also help me to practice building the net as it can be quite fiddly.



(The printer wasn't working properly so colours are not correct)


The hardest part of building the nets would have to be the tray as there are so many bits to fold over I will need to be careful when making the final design as it is quite hard to keep the edges glued down.

I showed my mock ups to a few of my peers to help me get more refined feedback for each design.

1.  It was felt that the concept of leaving the design in doodle form, like a colouring book didn't create an engaging enough design. The lack of colour makes the design fall flat and would not be exciting enough to create a good user experience which connects with the childish nature of the brand. However the pattern could be engaging if colour is applied appropriately. The large scale typography helps to grab attention and create intrigue, although it was felt that a question mark is needed, as it looks more like a statement than a question.

2. The background pattern definitely works better in colour, the mixture between fill and outline also helps to produce a more interesting design where the colours work cohesively rather than clashing together. The design will also work a lot better when it is printed out properly as the colours at the moment are too dull, they will need to be bright and vibrant so as to create excitement around the product. The added triangle pattern also helps the design to look more dynamic and interesting breaking up the design. The typeface again works well at adding drama and will provide high contrast in black, so that it can be seen from a distance. The message inside the tray also adds to the user experience and will help to connect to the consumer as it says it is 'made just for you'.

3. The more ordered pattern produces a more organised and structured design that loses the personality and character compared with the other pattern. However the bright colours do help it to stand out and appear vibrant which helps the design to seem fun. The use of brown for the sides and text help the consumer to identify that it is packaging for chocolate as well as providing a strong contrast. The angled type also helps to keep with the playful nature of the brand.

Overall the favourite design was number two as it was felt to represent the fun, playful nature of the brand more appropriately. Taking on this feedback this is the design that I am going to work with, the design is a lot brighter than the printed out version so should work well.

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