Monday, November 9, 2015

OUGD404 Study Task 04 - Canons

The fundamental principles and rules within graphic design.

Achieve a balanced more structured design which improves readability. It creates consistency within the design which is very beneficial for publication designers.

The problem with grids is that sometimes design does go out of the boundaries and doesn't work cohesively with the grid. Expressive work for example does not work with the constraints of the grid. I can see the benefits of the grid but I feel depending on your context you should apply it appropriately. Such as a structured grid for an informative publication to improve legibility and readability but for an artistic style then the use of grids may not actually be necessary.


White space when used appropriately and within the right context can add impact within an image producing a cleaner more memorable design. 


Alignment is also important as how you align type and graphics on a page and in relation to each other which can improve or worsen readability. No alignment however, can make your design more interesting and compelling when done purposefully with a specific design goal in mind.

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