Wednesday, November 25, 2015

OUGD405 Study Task 01 - Way finding Research

For this task we had to go out into the centre of Leeds and find different methods of way finding, signage and pictograms. Analysing the purpose, audience, relevance and success of the examples.

Leeds College of Art:
I began my research within the college as I have noticed a really inconsistent and confusing way finding system.

An overall guide is laid out on this grey board which seems easier enough to understand from the numbers corresponding with the floor and highlighting the one you are on. It uses a sans-serif typeface which is legible and easy to read although not from a distance due to the full content. Although it is not clear what the 'B' stands for. The sign is made from a plastic.

There were several more signs I found scattered around with the same dark grey background with white text. They all worked together cohesively and shared the same design making it quite easy to understand.

I then found what seemed to be another way finding system within the college. It looks nothing like the other design and uses bright colours which seem to take a more informal approach. Having two different systems will definitely cause confusion, the college need to stick with one cohesive design that is understandable.

The college's way finding system is for student's, staff and any visitors to the college. They are designed to make finding certain areas and rooms easier. The major problem with the college is the layout, room numbers are a lot harder to find then they should be as sometimes they don't follow a chronological layout.

Leeds Train Station: 
I decided to go to the train station because I believe it shows evidence of successful way finding.

The system follows white text on a dark blue background, this contrast helps it to stand out and become more noticeable. It uses a sans-serif typeface that is usually large in scale, making it easier to see. It appeals to a wide audience on an international scale as it is basic but clear. National rail also stick to certain guidelines and have a very thorough system that tries to make it clear for everyone.

iQ Leeds Student Accommodation:
This is the accommodation that I am currently staying at in Leeds. When I first arrived here I had no idea where I was going because there isn't a proper way finding system, there are a couple of signs but they are insufficient. The signs are only placed next to where the place actually is, there is no real direction of how to get there.

These signs were mostly on glass plaques except for the reception sign which seemed to be on a type of plastic. The glass adds a more professional sleeker look, however reflects light too much which could hinder the clarity when trying to read the sign. The typeface uses a simple serif style that is reasonably bold, bright colours (white, purple, green) contrast well with the black background. iQ definitely needs a way finding system to help find areas such as the gym and laundry, this would help freshers settle into their new environment more easily. It would also help to know where each block is so that finding friends etc. would be easier. 

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