Thursday, February 22, 2018

OUGD603 Brief 05: Internal Play Testing

Internal Play Testing:

We created another rough prototype to ensure the game play works effectively. We made 50 word cards, 50 image cards (using stock images/emojis), and 30 consequence cards. We wanted to use words/imagery that would provoke a response that could be potentially controversial, funny or stupid.


- Words/imagery needs to be varied and reflect current trends and popular culture.
- A word or phrase needs to be said by the player placing the card down to act as a 'go'. This helps to make the speed element of the game more prominent and adds more excitement.
- Consequences need to be more refined take out some of the more immature ones as we want it to be accessible for an older audience. They also need to be simplified so that more players will take part and no one will avoid doing their card.

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