Friday, October 16, 2015

OUGD403 Study Task 02 - Symbol

Within this short brief we had to design a symbol that represents a brand-mark for Yorkshire Sculpture Park. It needs to be able to work at a range of scales and become iconic, easily recognisable. I began my research by actually going to the YSP (Yorkshire Sculpture Park). This was really useful because I had no idea what to expect, the range and diversity within the sculptures was intriguing but made it hard to pinpoint what could be used as a symbol to represent the whole park. I took photos of sculptures that the YSP own and have been there for years.

A few photos from the YSP I took:

Using the images that I had collected I decided to start coming up with ideas from them:

Design idea 1:
I like the simplicity of this but I am unsure whether it needs something added to it, to make it look like a signature, iconic symbol.

Design idea 2:

Initially I do like this idea although I do not know if the statue is recognisable enough to use.

Design idea 3:
I am unsure how this could work at different scales with the detail of what the sculpture is being lost.

Design idea 4:

I chose design idea 4 to be my final design because I think it is simple, effective and clean. It can be applied with or without text and features an iconic sculpture from the park. This design also works well at different scales so can be applied onto different medias such as signs and leaflets. I decided to keep all of my designs black and white because I think it is easier to apply and work with but also the contrast helps to make a bold statement. I found this task challenging to create a symbol that represents the whole park, maybe if I was to work with this further I could have looked at the shape of the grounds of the park. I created these within photoshop which was slightly challenging and seemed time consuming, having now a little more knowledge in illustrator it probably would have been easier to create it in there.

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