Wednesday, October 14, 2015

OUGD404 Introduction to Gestalt Principles

Yesterday we were introduced to Gestalt principles, meaning 'shape & form' and defining an area of psychology that aims to understand our ability to perceive the world, and organise it. 

Our instinct is to follow what we perceive to be a path.

Law of Pragnanz:
"People will perceive and interpret ambiguous or complex images as the simplest form".

The human tendency to seek and find patterns to understand. The key to closure is providing enough info so the eye can fill in the rest.

Symmetry and Order:
This principle leads us to want balance in composition, though our compositions don't need to be perfectly symmetrical to be in balance.

Now that I know the terminology I can see how they are commonly used to create a piece of design work. I found it to be quite interesting to learn the way in which we interpret image as we essentially look to make sense of the ambiguous. What is good about these principles is they are comprehensive and seem to make sense.

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