Friday, February 17, 2017

OUGD503 Papyrus - Research


About the company:
'Suicide is the biggest killer of young people – male and female – under 35 in the UK. In 2015, 1,659 young people took their own lives. That equates to over four per day. Every year many thousands more attempt or contemplate suicide, harm themselves or suffer alone, afraid to speak openly about how they are feeling.

We are the national charity for the prevention of young suicide.
We draw from the experience of many who have been touched personally by young suicide across the UK and speak on their behalf in our campaigns and in our endeavours to save young lives. Together we believe that with appropriate support and education, many young suicides can be prevented.

We deliver awareness and prevention training, provide confidential support and suicide intervention through HOPELineUK, campaign and influence national policy, and empower young people to lead suicide prevention activities in their own communities.'


Mission: 'We exist to reduce the number of young people who take their own lives by shattering the stigma around suicide and equipping young people and their communities with the skills to recognise and respond to suicidal behaviour.'

Papyrus seems like a really genuine charity that is trying to help with a big problem in the UK. This really resonates well with me as I enjoy doing work for a good cause. The work this charity does is really important at helping to prevent suicide, so I am happy to try and contribute something that can help their project.

Things that I associate with being relaxed:
I began by drawing a mind map to help me start to visualise possible ideas for a colouring.

Current calming colourings:

After looking through current calming colourings, pattern and detail seems to be an important part of the designs. The detail is what distinguishes it from children's colouring books. Flowers seem to be used commonly so maybe this would be something to avoid to try and distinguish myself from other illustrations. Most illustrations seems to use curved lines to reflect a calming nature. As well as that layout is taken into consideration to fully utilise the space.

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