Friday, February 17, 2017

OUGD503 Studio Brief 02 - Collaborative Practice - 9th February


- Motivation: Everyone needs to feel they gain something.

- Communication: Giving info about the project and it's goals.

- Diversity: Wide range of skills.

- Sharing: Flexible with the ownership of ideas, agreed at the onset.

- Support 

Define what is your motivation for undertaking your collaboration:

My motivation for collaboration is having a wealth of ideas to work with and developing them appropriately. In areas where I might not be as strong having someone else to support the idea as well as learning new skills from others. I want to learn how I can effectively work in a group because this will aid me when I have to do this in the future or when you have to subcontract work out. Overall I want to learn how to manage the work fairly and keep better time, so that it is organised and clear for everyone. These skills will be essential for me to progress as as a designer, as I need to be aware of the different roles people play for a project to develop.

What methods of communication will you use and how often will you meet:

- Whatsapp
- iMessage
- Face to face
- Skype
- Facetime
- Google Drive
- Pinterest

What skill-sets does each member of your collaboration team bring:

- Ideas
- Branding / advertising
- Packaging
- Concept focus
- Female view-point

Ed (eh258437):
- Organisation and planning
- Typography
- Editorial

Kieran (kb258953):
- Illustration / Drawing
- Nature / Natural forms
- Book covers

9th February:
Today we met up as a group to look over the brief and highlight anything within it that we think will be important to focus on. From this we created a brief mind-map of just initial thoughts regarding the project.

We then moved on to make a very rough time plan just to help guide us in the right direction. 

We have given ourselves a week from this date to do personal research, within that we gave ourselves areas that we could specifically look into. I am going to look into the role of fur in fashion and why do they wear it? What is the significance? Why is it still used when there are alternatives?

To help collate the research we also talked about creating a shared Pinterest board to help with visual ideas. I also want to create a mind map of words because that helps me to start thinking in a specific direction.

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