Saturday, March 31, 2018

OUGD603 Brief 05: Packaging Design

Packaging Design:

Now that I have a pattern to work with for the packaging it will mainly be about layout and organisation of type.

Title Typeface:

I tested different typefaces for the main title that would go on the box. We decided that Heavitas would be the most appropriate due to its big bold letterforms. The rounded edges help to set a friendly tone.

Supporting type:

We decided to choose Muli for the supporting type as it has a nice consistent thin weight which helps give a clean look. The rounded forms also help to give it a friendly tone.


Based on the research I had done, icons are a quick and easy way to display key information. We decided that the circle shape better suited the overall design keeping the friendly open tone. I used Arial Black for the typeface as it's clear and legible.


As we are printing the design using stickers to cover the packaging, a clear sticker could work well with the frosted box. The A's could be a block colour working with the box. I tried out having a block colour on the bottom half of the box but I don't think that it works very well.

I think that having the pattern all over will produce a more cohesive design. I then began to think about placement of the icons and the text.

Because the pattern is quite busy the text needs to be contained in a box to stand out. I started to play around with different alignments/placements and found that centrally aligned looks the best as the eye is drawn straight in. The icons have been coloured to fit in with the rest of the design.

Emma has come up with a different pattern design so I have tested that out so we could compare and see which one works better.

We decided that Emma's new pattern worked better as it stands out and draws more attention.

Final Net:

The net had to be put together so that the pattern followed on appropriately when it's cut into the different sections. The design was done on illustrator, 1 layer for the design the 2nd for the cut out.

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