Sunday, December 25, 2016

OUGD504 Studio Brief 02 - My Food Icon (DESIGNS)

My Food Icon (Designs):
From my sketches I have taken a couple of the ideas and created basic outlines within illustrator.

1. I've used rounded edges to create a fridge/freezer, the design is simple and clear, it can instantly be recognised for what it is. However, I am unsure whether this makes a good representation of the my food area.

2. Again i've taken the fridge/freezer but i've kept the hard rectangular edges, as well as adding more detail to make the design clearer. However when the design is scaled down I am unsure whether it will be clear as to what it is, this is something I will need to test and consider.

3. Lastly because I felt that it was quite hard to define food storage as just being a fridge/freezer, I have taken just the letter 'F' to represent food and placed it in a square box. Possibly this work the best and it is clear and easy to understand.

Showing the three designs to other people the first two designs were preferred as the fridges seem clear to show that they are an area of food storage. The third design seems to vague as 'F' could stand for anything. At a smaller scale the first designs rounded edges do not seem to work as it begins to change shape that doesn't look like a fridge anymore. Therefore it was felt that the second design would be the most clear and appropriate, as well as working better at a smaller scale.

From the feedback I have decided to work more with the second design.

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