Wednesday, April 26, 2017

OUGD503 YCN - The Grown Up Chocolate Company - Developing Ideas (Sleeve Design)

Developing Ideas (Sleeve Design):

As i've been struggling with the design I decided to try and work with the '?' and the '!' to see if that could produce a more engaging design. I made them quite large scale to try and take up most of the white space. I then used the brown circle logo as the dot for each punctuation mark. I applied large scale text over the top to provide a more dramatic visual. Using the pattern I had already created for the tray, I applied this to the sides of the sleeve.

Again I am not happy with the design, I don't think that it will connect with the target audience well enough, and I don't think it reflects the brand appropriately.

I think that if I take a more handcrafted approach it will better reflect the brand as all of their chocolate is handmade.

Therefore I have decided to draw out a range of question marks in different style to bring more fun to the design.

I then used the questions marks to make an abstract pattern to fill up the white space. The question mark style is appropriate for a younger audience but the use of colour and type helps it to be more appropriate for adults. The slogan is on the side of the box to draw more attention to it and the logo is on both the front side and back. The type is the one used on current packaging, quite large scale to draw immediate attention. However I am not sure on the colour variation as the black and white pattern might look too unfinished and could inject some more colour into the design.

Placing the pattern on a black background produced a high-contrast design that stands out. However, it is quite harsh on the eyes and it makes the type harder to read, so I do not think this is appropriate, it also looks very cheap.

I am still not sure on the colour choice, I want more vibrant colours that show fun. Looking back at the packaging for other products there are an array of colours signalling flavour, this will be good to use because it could be a combination of any of those flavours.

The picture above shows the different packaging for the different products and the different colours that they use, I made a colour swatch to work from for them.

Using this colour scheme I decided to create a more ordered pattern/design, that is bright and vibrant. Using brown for the sides of the packaging and the text to hint that it is packaging for chocolate as well as providing a strong contrast. I have used the circle logo to act like a sticker adding more fun to the design.
I then applied it to the design I already have, using the colours as either a fill or an outline. The white background helps to keep the design fun and light. The black typeface works cohesively with the design and provides a strong contrast from the background so that it is legible.

I felt like the design needed something extra to provide a more dynamic design. I sketched out a pattern that could be applied over the top in an interesting way.

This has helped to add more depth and detail to the design. However I think that a design that uses pink more within the design will be more effective and work more cohesively with the brand. 

Having the bright pink as the main focus colour has improved the overall look of the design. It helps to give off a bright and fun mood and works more cohesively with the brand as well as creating that connection of recognition.

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