Tuesday, April 3, 2018

OUGD603 Brief 05: Evaluation

I have really enjoyed doing this brief as I was working with a good team, we all have different skills and we worked together to get things done on time. I have never worked on a brief like this before and I found it very difficult near the beginning as we struggled with the actual concept of the game. Once we managed to settle on an idea to run with, things started to progress a lot faster and we started getting things done. We were able to split up job roles easily because the project required a lot of work, but when broken down it all came together.

Potentially, we should have spent more time coming up with more varied designs but I think overall we are all really happy and have produced a strong and professional outcome. This brief worked well because it touched on lots of different aspects, game design, game concept, copy-writing, packaging design and advertising. We were able to use all of our skills to their strengths and worked very closely to ensure that it remained consistent across the game.

As it got closer to the print slot the design changed direction and we made last minute decisions which changed the look of the game. Although this improved the overall design we should have allowed more time to make these changes. This also unfortunately led to a few spelling mistakes on the cards as we had run out of time to proof read.

Overall I am really happy with the outcome and I think it’s a strong piece of design. I feel proud that we created the whole physical product rather than just a design to go onto something. Working in a team again was also really beneficial as it is something that I really enjoy doing and I feel a lot more motivated on a project when I have people to share that with.

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