Thursday, April 5, 2018

OUGD603 Brief 06: Evaluation

This brief was challenging as we wanted to produce something different that was bright and engaging but while still reflecting the universities values. As a team we all worked together really well, we were working on another brief all together and that meant we had to manage our time effectively between the two projects. 

This was a really good opportunity to work on a client led brief whilst gaining feedback from Peter and Paul studio. However, as we found out a long the way there were some communication issues where we were left confused, this tended to be through email. Face to face meetings were much more beneficial and there was understanding on both sides. This is important to realise now, that email isn’t necessarily the best form of communication for detailed and thorough feedback. I also found that meeting up with Daniel isn’t as nerve racking as I thought, as he was very easy going and friendly. 

This brief has given me a lot more confidence working on a professional live brief as well as having to pitch to important people within the university. I have struggled with presenting so this was a perfect opportunity to gain more confidence. Although I was still nervous, having the rest of the team present with me really helped to support me and I know with more practice presenting my confidence will increase. 

Although we didn’t win I am proud of what we managed to achieve as it was hard work trying to do multiple briefs at once. We managed to stick to a thorough time plan which meant we could benefit from as much of Daniel’s feedback as possible. Asking for feedback as much as we could really helped to shape the final design. 

The overall design was a bit of a risk as it is very bold and vibrant but I think we did well to produce a well-rounded design. I also feel like I have managed to improve my skills working on Photoshop, applying the different background manipulations and trying to work with type in a more dynamic way.

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