Saturday, November 5, 2016

OUGD504 Studio Brief 01- Introduction for the publication

Introduction for the publication:
For the introduction of my publication I am going to keep it quite brief to allow people to take in the content in their own personal way as handwriting is a personal thing, I want people to think about the things that could potentially impact how we write but not give too much information away. 

'From a young age we are all taught to write in the same way, but handwriting still differs from person to person. It differs from masculine to feminine, age to occupation, personalities to disabilities and so on.

One thing is clear, that even through our writing, we are all different.'

I then worked on how I would align the type:

Align left:

I like how the eye naturally reads from left to right, it also mimics where you would start writing on a page - relating to the content. However I don't like the ends of the line as it produces a distracting shape.

Justified left:

I like this alignment because the eye naturally reads left to right, so it is very clear and easy to read. The justification helps it to feel more ordered and again improves readability as your eye isn't drawn down by anything distracting the eye when the bottom line length is longer.

Align centre:

I like the overall shape the a central alignment produces, it also works well for short chunks of text like this.

Justified centre:

With the justified alignment it feels quite spaced out and I don't think a central alignment works very well with one word or a few words on a line as the eye has to try and find where the writing begins again.

Align right:

This is harder to read and I would have no real purpose for aligning the type to right as it goes against the rules of writing.

Justified right:

When the text is justified to the right it really doesn't work, the kerning between words are ridiculous, either too close together or too far apart.

After testing out the different alignments it is clear that I am going to align the text to left as it relates to the content. I am also going to justify it as I like how all of the text is in line and it doesn't leave a ragged right edge, which I think helps improve readability in this instance.

Placement of text on the page:

The feedback I received generally favoured placement in the middle of the page, due to amount of white space and the fact that it is only a small amount of text. It grabs your attention immediately in the middle of the page, it doesn't seem shy as it does in the corners. In the middle it directly introduces you to the publication, your eyes immediately find it on the page.

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