Friday, November 18, 2016

OUGD504 Studio Brief 02 - Feedback on my problem

Feedback on my problem:

I received really positive feedback for my idea with people saying that it would be something they would definitely benefit from, and they can relate to the problem. They said that it is good because it doesn't deal with a specific target audience, it is something that can be used by everyone that faces this problem. Therefore I need to focus on affordability, accessibility and communication.

It was suggested to include categories for types of people such as students, family etc. and filters for things like budget. Reminders of items that go out of date would also be useful with notifications. I could also create a shopping list on the app so that it can already make suggestions on meals.

The feedback was positive because it teaches resourcefulness and helps people to waste less and learn new skills cooking. We also talked through it possibly becoming an everyday appliance that could sit on your kitchen counter. I know that I am heading in the right direction with my idea so I just need to keep working on it.

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