Friday, January 6, 2017

OUGD504 Studio Brief 02 - Body Typefaces (DESIGN)

Body Typefaces:
For the main body of text I want to choose a serif typeface as this is the most legible and easy to read. As well as the fact that in cookbooks generally a serif typeface is used as there are chunks of information to digest. Again I will be using Google Fonts, which are all Open Source typefaces allowing me to use them with no problems of licensing, I have chosen a few which I think are appropriate to my design and would work well with my heading.

Lora by Cyreal
Lora is a well-balanced contemporary serif text typeface with roots in calligraphy. A paragraph set in Lora will make a memorable appearance because of its brushed curves counterposed with driving serifs. Lora is featured in more than 1,175,712 websites.
(Shown below - Regular)

I like the varying stroke width that is smooth and elegant, but still remaining legible at  smaller scales.

Sorts Mill Goudy by Barry Schwartz

A revival of Frederic Goudy's 'Goudy Oldstyle' with Regular and Italic styles, and extended Latin character coverage. Sorts Mill Goudy is featured in more than 140,185 websites.

Very similar to the first typeface except this seems to have a lower x-height so letterforms seem slightly wider.

Crimson Text by Sebastian Kosch
Crimson Text is a font family for book production in the tradition of beautiful oldstyle typefaces.

This typeface has a bold stroke width that will stand out on screen, letterforms remain a more consistent shape.

From the feedback that I received the second typeface was preferred due to the slimmer thickness in stroke then the other two, providing a more natural friendly tone. However they were unsure how the stroke width would translate at a smaller scale and whether it would be easy to read.

Chosen Typeface:
Crimson Text
After considering the feedback I have chosen to go with the bottom typeface, I believe that because of the more consistent, bolder stroke width, it will be more legible at a smaller scale. The letterforms also have nice rounded edges with give off a friendly tone as well as working cohesively with the heading typeface I have chosen.

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