Monday, January 2, 2017

OUGD504 Studio Brief 02 - Considerations in App Design (RESEARCH)

Considerations in App Design:
As I am designing an app I need to look at important considerations to make sure that my app works and useable.

- Platform Usability 
I need to make sure that I can test how the app will work across multiple platforms, using various digital devices. This will help to avoid device issues. However as I have decided to design my app for iOS that is the primary platform it will work with, it will be unavailable on android.

- Easy Navigation
Users need to be able to easily find exactly what they are looking for in as little steps as possible.

- Great Aesthetics
 People often start with a template, and you can tell by the look and feel. You should think through the aesthetics, as well as speed and interaction, so you can engage users on a deeper level.

- Design for Flexibility 
Designing for flexibility means giving users an easy way to reverse what they’ve done, whether that’s changing the parameters of a product search or closing a window they’ve opened.

- Single Column Layouts Usually Work Best
Managing limited space on the smaller screen, it also helps you easily scale between different device resolutions and flipping between portrait and landscape mode.

- Provide Interaction Feedback
Provide obvious feedback for any actions that occur. For example, when the user taps a link or button, it’s good practice to have that button visually change states to indicate it has been tapped and the action has been initiated.

Another good practice is to include loading states for actions which may take a bit longer to load. Use an animated loading image to indicate something is in progress.

These are all important considerations to help my design the most user-friendly app.




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