Wednesday, May 17, 2017

OUGD505 End of Module Evaluation

End of Module Evaluation:

Overall I have really engaged with this module, I have enjoyed the research process for each brief as I have become more involved and interested in the projects. Within studio brief 01 I decided to focus on Leeds Indie Food Festival because it is a celebration of food, supporting local businesses and it joined people together. I liked the sense of community that it promoted, so I wanted to produce a print to make people more aware of the event. Working again with screen-print was challenging, as it is something that I struggled with last year. However, it has encouraged me to keep practicing and have patience with it, as it's something I want to develop further within 3rd year. I am pleased with how the print turned out, however I wish that I had more copies of it. As I needed to print my design before Easter to insure that I would be able to complete other work, the whole process felt rushed and slightly stressful.

Within studio brief 02 I was able to research into a topic that I am really passionate about which is Racism. I really engaged with the brief as I wanted to do the topic justice and produce a successful design. Doing background research into styles and designers was also really interesting and aided me with the final designs. I am pleased with my final outcomes, they are high impact and visually engaging. I enjoyed mocking the designs up in context as I was able to further practice my photoshop skills. Producing a publication wasn't originally the direction that I was going to take, but I am glad that I did as it has helped me to organise and present information clearly.

I have also learnt a lot from the lectures within this module which has made me more interested in social, political and ethical design. I've enjoyed doing design work for a good cause as it has felt like it has more purpose and hopefully can make an impact. In 3rd year I will look at doing similar projects. One of the biggest mistakes I have learnt from during this module is to make sure I am working towards a brief, this is why I struggled at the start to come up with a good concept as I had no clear idea of what I was meant to be doing. 

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