Friday, May 12, 2017

OUGD505 Studio Brief 02 - The Brief

There has been an increasing number of attacks on foreigners in the aftermath of the vote to leave the European Union last year. Reported hate crime rose by 57% in the four days after the referendum, police say. There were also more than 6,000 reports of hate crime to police between mid-June and mid-July, according to the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC).

The referendum result was taken by some as affirmation that the country was not only ‘theirs’, but that it was theirs ‘again’.

The referendum was envisaged as a sign of assumed legal and cultural ‘norms’ could be reasserted.

The racist violence that was legitimised was underpinned by a racism tied to ‘entitlement’.

Confronting the rise of racism by encouraging people to report racial hate crimes, these could include verbal or physical attacks. Through a strong visual campaign that informs and urges the public to take vocal action and stop the silence. The campaign hopes to give people the confidence to stand up against racial attacks and provide solidarity for the victims.

People that don’t agree with racial discrimination, “students, trade unionists, people of all faiths and none migrants, musicians, teachers, pensioners and parents” (these are the people that have associated themselves with this issue through Stand Up To Racism protest march on the 19th of March 2016).

Stand Up To Racism - Charity / Protest Movement
Campaigning against the far right, especially the British National Party and English Defence League. They want to build a network of activists to support refugees and confront racism, islamophobia and antisemitism.
‘We are the majority and we will stand up to racism.’

- Empowering
- Passionate

- Encourage people to report hate crime
- Encourage people to stand up against racist behaviour
- Engaging
- Impactful
- Easy to understand

- Include ‘Stand Up To Racism’ logo
- Support information - numbers / websites

- Posters
- Placards
- Stickers
- Social media campaign

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