Saturday, May 13, 2017

OUGD505 Studio Brief 02 - Front Cover Development

Front Cover Development:
From the feedback I had received I decided to work further with the typographical design, I played around with scale so that overall it looked even, but it was still legible. I then looked at the typeface Avenir Black, which suited the design. It has a consistent stroke width which helps it to look professional and ordered. It also helps to set a friendly tone as the typeface is quite open and approachable which will encourage people to pick it up and have a look.
Provides a strong contrast but white on black might not be engaging enough to attract attention.

White on black still provides a striking contrast while the black helps the design to look slick and professional, achieving a minimal design.

I used the branding colours of the client to show the relation. This has led to a bright and engaging design.

I quite like the outline of the text being coloured as it helps to give it a subtle glow, drawing more attention to it.

The outlines on the black background make the text look like a neon sign, which does provide visual appeal. However further back it isn't as legible as block text.

I decided that I wanted to keep the cover purely black and white as I wanted there to be strong blocks of colour on the inside. Therefore, I am going to use the black background with the white text as I feel this provides the highest contrast.

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