Monday, March 5, 2018

OUGD603 Brief 05: External Playing & Adjustments

External Playing:

Today we tested the game out with a group of 3 people to make sure they could understand the rules and to see if there are any problems with gameplay. 

Feedback for gameplay:
- It was difficult to not say the what the card is. 

To overcome this the word 'associate' could be said when placing the card down. When this was tested in the game play, the players expressed this as a positive change to the game. It did not give the player any disadvantage within game play.

Clarity in the rules:
- What happens to the middle card if it isn't picked up?

 In the play, this card is left in the middle for the next person who wins to collect.

Clarity in the rules:
- What happens when you put your hand down without saying
- What happens when you can't say a word thats in the word/image
(This was already included in the rules, but may have been overlooked)

From observing the game, the rules were at first difficult to understand. As the players began playing the game, this was no longer an issue. The players enjoyed the game and many rounds involved series of laughter. As all of the players were female it would be good to practice the game involving males to see what they think of the game.

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