Wednesday, March 28, 2018

OUGD603 Brief 04: Type Experiments

Type Experiments:

I need to display the information on the tin in a clear organised way which reflects a luxury brand. I have decided to call the brand 'Baraka Coffee' based on the research I have done about Ethiopian coffee ceremonies - Baraka is the 3rd round of coffee which is considered to bestow a blessing.

Type Selection:

I wanted to have a look at both serif and sans serif type styles. Serif has a more classic, old fashioned style which could appeal to the luxury market but sans serif has a more clean minimalist approach which could also work well.

From the list above I chose my favourite ones to mock up so that I could see which one would work the most appropriately.

Clarendon LT Std - Roman

Anton - Regular

Josefin Sans - Regular

DIN Alternate - Bold

Volkorn - Bold

Futura - Bold

Crimson Text - Bold

Rosario - Bold

My favourite typefaces are Anton as I think it would work really well with the pattern, however I don't think it looks like a luxury brand. I also like Josefin Sans, it has a nice consistent weight and sharp edges, the simplicity adds to the minimalist luxury feel. Lastly I think that Volkorn works well the bold serif style has a classic look helping to give that luxury feel.

Out of the designs that I showed the favourites were:

Josefin Sans - luxury minimalism, works well with pattern, current trend - could be adjusted slightly by increasing the kerning between letterforms to enhance luxury appeal.

Futura - modern style, similar boldness as pattern would work cohesively, clear and easy to read, might not necessarily be very luxurious.

Volkorn - classic look, luxury feel, aged design, contrasts with pattern design.

Based on the feedback I decided to adjust the kerning on all 3 typefaces to see what that did for the overall design. I also adjusted the type size based on feedback, the smallest being 10pt.

I think that Josefin Sans works the most appropriately giving a nice clean minimal feel to the design, which works well with the pattern, to help make the design look more luxury.

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