Monday, May 7, 2018

OUGD603 Brief 09: Side View

Side View:
I need to work out what I want to put on the side of the carton that kids can interact with. I think that putting either a little puzzle or game could work effectively, or even jokes.

Fruit & Veg Jokes:

- Why did the orange stop? Because it ran out of juice.
- Why did the man at the orange juice factory lose his job? He couldn't concentrate.

- How do you make an apple turnover? Push it down a hill.
- When is an apple a grouch? When it's a crab apple!
- What do you call an apple that plays the trumpet? A tooty fruity.
- What did the apple skin say to the apple? I've got you covered.

- What are twin's favourite fruit? Pears.

- What's a Vegetable's favourite martial art? Carrotee! 
- Did you hear about the carrot detective? He got to the root of every case. 

- Why did the pineapple stop in the middle of the road? Because he ran out of juice.
- What kind of fruit do trees like the most? Pine-apple 

Testing out type placement:

I think that the 'Joke' works better straight in line with the rest of the text. 

Adding the joke onto the side provides more interaction with the packaging. It also helpt to break up the pattern.

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