Saturday, April 16, 2016

OUGD404 Studio Brief 02 - What is a book? - Printing

As I have already considered the type of stock that I wanted I knew the facilities within the college would have the right paper choice. I went for a smooth glossy stock with a weight of about 280gsm. This meant that colours would be more vivid, so my borders would really pop out on the page. It also means that the cards could be wiped clean if anything was to get on them from the cooking process. The thickness meant that they will be able to withstand being handled regularly and would stand up to the pages being took out and moved around.

The double sided print worked out really well and was properly aligned, so I was really happy with the outcome. Next I cut the cards down, one problem that I encountered, was that because of the way my crop marks were laid out, I would end up cutting the crop marks off one side of the card and I would have to guess how much to cut off. Fortunately it wasn't too bad cutting it down by eye, but next time I want to see if I can fix a similar problem like this. 

Finally I lined all the cards together and using a hole punch put a hole in the corner where I could put the binding ring through. A little problem I noticed was that the hole punch had slightly scratched the border when I was trying to adjust it but other than that it worked fine.

The whole print and binding process proved to be really quick because of the methods I had chosen yet they still look good and professional.


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